Saturday, October 26, 2019

Parasite (Bong Joon-ho, 2019)

Certainly an enjoyable two hours in the cinema (and a great way to enjoy the excellent IFC Film Center, resoundingly outdoing the Angelika in every department [see my previous post]), but I can't say I share the giddy enthusiasm "everyone else" seems to have for this film. Performances are splendid and there's much to enjoy, particularly at the beginning, but while there are rewarding surprises I felt that after a while the narrative rhythm was too telegraphed for me to be really engrossing. (I'm sure fiery temper of that character that's just been emphasised won't be relevant at all to the denoument, now will it...?) Also on a single viewing I'm not sure if its politics aren't somehow both muddled and simplistic, but I'm quite prepared to accept that another viewing or two would be needed to be quite sure about this.

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